Welcome friends!, or as we would say:
As indicated on the name of the page, the content that we are shaping (little by little) has the structure of a kind of 'tips', with which we try to help the reader in the difficult task of learning a language other than the native. For that reason, most of the content is in English, so that the reader can reason advice or tips of the way most solid possible. Welcome to the World of Learning Spanish from English.
Unlike all the language courses that we have seen, whose promoters will be scandalized when they read our asseveration, we will make explanations and analysis in your native language, since we want to, precisely, use the reasoning ability and the knowledge the average person has of grammar (in their own language) to identify the more important differences between the Spanish and their native language. In this way, all systems of language learning mentioned above may be "supported" and/or supplemented with these "tips" that, inexplicably, no course, book or teacher mentions and that we believe (from our own experience) that have to be clearly understood to complete the difficult task of learning a new language.
It is important to take into consideration the natural sequence of learning of the own language of the natives of any country. Children, begin to mumble their first words using the simplest of learning systems: repetition.
During these first years of life, and until we started our first school educators contact, were able to learn how to communicate our needs, concerns, questions, joys and sorrows, by means of words and phrases that we have learned from our family and closest friends. Seems little?... I do not think, I am rather sure that many of those who have learned (or are learning) a language other than their own, we would be happy to talk and, above all, to understand a new language, as does the average child, with her own, to the 5 years old of age.
Then comes the phase of learning to read and write. Are many months of alphabets shown and repeated in diverse forms graphics, songs, animations, etc. Later, beginning the formation of syllables and their pronunciation. Subsequently, the magic Association of syllables to form words. Why magical?, as because it extract expressions of joyful surprise in children who have pronounced them many times, and now discover is seen "in black and white" which so many times have repeated and used.
Immediately, it appears the writing, above all as an exercise in mastery of the pencil in his hand to "replicate the best possible" what they already knew how to read, and whose greatest complexity is even "beautiful writing" calligraphy notebook, without leaving the lines. The rest is recent history for all: grammar. With all its rules and components that will guide them in the "should be" of the language and the proper wording. This is the phase in which "fill us" with concepts and lists of verbs conjugation, adjectives, adverbs, articles, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, signs, rules of accentuation, punctuation and pronunciation, etc. and which requires several years to their learning and appropriate use.
Now, given that all this 'natural learning' native language takes an amount of time: 10, 12, 15 years of life, will we have to spend so much time to be able to say that we have fluency in a new language? The answer is: NO, but to considerably shorten this learning period, we need to meet a series of conditions, of which the most important is having to develop ourselves in an environment where only speak the language that we want to learn.
If we cannot fulfill that condition, we will have to travel a longer path and, in addition, have a number of "Classic Tools" of learning such as any of the numerous existing language courses and, to complement these methods (any of them), know many "secret" or "tips" that can help us to accelerate that learning. And that is the main intention of this Website: highlight the greatest amount of tips that can help you to learn the Spanish by applying what you know from your own language. Then... Welcome again and Get to work!

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