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Understanding how Conjugating Verbs in Spanish.
While persons for conjugating verbs agree quite well in English and in Spanish, as we can see in the following table of pronouns:
Subject Pronouns |
Person |
Ingles |
Español |
1st Singular |
I |
Yo |
2nd Singular |
You |
Tú |
3th Singular |
He, She, It |
El, Ella |
1st Plural |
We |
Nosotros, Nosotras |
2nd Plural |
You |
Vosotros, Vosotras |
3th Plural |
They |
Ellos, Ellas |
there are some basic differences associated with the gender in the Plural, where the Spanish language distinguishes the masculine from the feminine with the slight change of a letter.
The real difficulty, and we believe that the bigger one, in learning Spanish by English-speakers, is the fact that each person singular and plural, corresponds a different expression of the verb, and this also is for all tenses.
Let’s look at this with an example. If we take the verb “to love” (“amar”, in Spanish), and we conjugate it for all persons, in both languages, and for the present tense, we would get the following results:
Present Tense |
I love |
Yo amo |
You love |
Tu amas |
He/She loves |
Él/Ella ama |
We love |
Nosotros/as amamos |
You love |
Vosotros/as amáis |
They love |
Ellos/as aman |
As we can see, in English there is only a variation in the conjugation for the third person singular, and this variation is very slight, because only added the letter “s” at the end of the verb.
However in Spanish, the differences are notable because each one of the six persons, three in the singular and three in the plural, has a distinct conjugation, which also occurs in each of the of simple tense conjugations, i.e., the present, the past and the future:
Future Tense |
I will love |
Yo amaré |
You will love |
Tu amarás |
He/She will love |
Él/Ella amará |
We will love |
Nosotros/as amaremos |
You will love |
Vosotros/as amareis |
They will love |
Ellos/as amarán |
Past Tense |
I loved |
Yo amé |
You loved |
Tu amaste |
He/She loved |
Él/Ella amó |
We loved |
Nosotros/as amamos |
You loved |
Vosotros/as amasteis |
They loved |
Ellos/as amaron |
The differences are obvious, and although there are certain rules that can help the learning of verbs in Spanish, the reality is that you must learn all the verbs and their conjugations by means of repetition.
But don’t worry, we will help you with our Tips to overcome this apparent “mission impossible”. Your task is to memorize and practice.
In our next Post we will be laying the groundwork for understanding and learning about verbs in Spanish, so we will enter to review concepts such as those of regular and irregular verbs, infinitive, participle and gerund.