Shapes in Spanish
Among the expressions most frequently used in everyday life, there is the description of the Forms that have the objects or parts of them. Although they do not differ too much from those used in English, we will describe the differences in the use of Shapes in Spanish.
Most Used Figures.
The first thing we must know is the description or name of the associated geometric figure, for which we will assist with the following chart:
And you can listen their pronunciation in the following Video:
Once again, should note the difference in genres of some figures which forces to use the appropriate pronoun according to this and the number (singular or plural). For example, figures shown above, are female gender (in Spanish):
The Line(s): La(s) Linea(s)
The Ellipse(s): La(s) Elipse(s)
The Cross(es): La Cruz , Las Cruces
The Star(s): La(s) Estrella(s)
And, of those shown in the Graphic, the rest of the figures are male:
The Arc(s): El Arco / Los Arcos
The Circle(s): El Circulo / Los Círculos
The Triangle(s): El Triangulo / Los Triángulos
And so on:
The Heart(s): El Corazón / Los Corazones.
Expressions to describe Shapes in Spanish:
As in English, there are expressions that describes the Shapes in Spanish, which are based on the concept of root word we have mentioned on several occasions.
The structure of the expression is always used the female gender word: “forma(s)” (“shape(s)“), which predefines that Shapes in Spanish, are almost always preceded by articles of this kind like: la, las, una, unas.
For example:
La forma triangular es usada para algunas señales de tránsito.
The triangular shape is used for some traffic signals.
The exceptions to this rule, are basically used in simplified popular expressions that are used less, and in which the description of the form adopts the gender of the noun that describes. For example:
La pizza redonda se cocina en un horno cuadrado.
The round pizza is cooked in a square oven.
In the table below we describe the most important Shapes in Spanish:
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