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Demonym Adjectives or Nationalities
In Spanish, Nationalities are also considered adjectives. These receive the name of Demonym Adjectives (Adjetivos Gentilicio) and are which is used to express the place of origin of the people or of any object.
Demonym Adjectives can take the place of the noun, i.e. that can be used to refer to a person only naming its demonym, i.e. which is correct to say “European” instead of saying “the person who is originally from Europe”.
Demonym Adjectives in Spanish are written with lowercase and unlike English, there are many cases in which are used different words depending on the genre.
Countries whose Demonym Adjectives has a unique genre:
The following table will help you to learn the names of the countries and regions of the world in Spanish as well as Demonym Adjectives which have a unique genre:
Country or Region | País o Región | Gentilicio | Demonym |
Saudi Arabia | Arabia Saudita | saudí/saudita | Saudi Arabian |
Athens | Atenas | ateniense | Athenian |
Belgium | Belgica | belga | Belgian |
Canada | Canada | canadiense | Canadian |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | costarricense | Costa Rican |
Croatia | Croacia | croata | Croatan |
United States of America | Estados Unidos de America | estadounidense/ norteamericano | American |
Ethiopia | Etiopia | etíope | Ethiopian |
Iraq | Iraq | iraquí | Iraqi |
Iran | Iran | iraní | Iranian/Persian |
Israel | Israel | israelí | Israeli |
Kuwait | Kuwait | kuwaití | Kuwaiti |
Lesotho | Lesoto | lesotense | Mosotho |
Madagascar | Madagascar | malgache | Madagascan |
Malawi | Malaui | malauí | Malawian |
Mali | Mali | maliense/malí | Malian |
Morocco | Marruecos | marroquí | Moroccan |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | nicaraguense | Nicaraguan |
Oman | Oman | omaní | Omani |
Pakistan | Pakistan | pakistaní | Pakistani |
Papua New Guinea | Papúa Nueva Guinea | papú | Papua New Guinean |
Qatar | Qatar | qatarí/catarí | Qatari |
San Marino | San Marino | sanmarinense | Sammarinese |
Saint Lucia | Santa Lucia | santalucense | Saint Lucian |
Sao Tome and Principe | Santo Tome y Principe | santotomense | Santomean |
Singapore | Singapur | singapurense | Singaporean |
Somalia | Somalia | somalí | Somali |
Swaziland | Suazilandia | suazi | Swazi |
East Timor | Timor Oriental | timorense | East Timorese |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad y Tobago | trinitense | Trinidadian |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu | vanuatuense | Ni-Vanuatu |
Vietnam | Vietnam | vietnamita | Vietnamese |
Yemen | Yemen | yemeni/yemenita | Yemeni |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue | zimbabuense | Zimbabwean |
Countries where Demonym Adjectives have genre:
For the case where Demonym Adjectives are different depending on the genre, we have the following table:
Country or Region | País o Región | Masculine Demonym in Spanish | Feminine Demonym in Spanish | Demonym in English |
Albania | Albania | albanés | albanesa | Albanian |
Germany | Alemania | alemán/germano | alemana/germana | German |
America | America | americano | americana | American |
Angola | Angola | angoleño | angoleña | Angolan |
Algeria | Argelia | argelino | argelina | Algerian |
Argentina | Argentina | argentino | argentina | Argentine |
Asia | Asia | asiático | asiática | Asian |
Africa | Africa | africano | africana | African |
Australia | Australia | australiano | australiana | Australian |
Austria | Austria | austriaco | austriaca | Autrian |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyan | azerbaiyano | azerbaiyana | Azerbaijani |
Belize | Belice | beliceño | beliceña | Belizean |
Belarus | Bielorrusia | bielorruso | bielorrusa | Belarusian |
Myanmar | Birmania | birmano | birmana | Burmese |
Bolivia | Bolivia | boliviano | boliviana | Bolivian |
Brazil | Brasil | brasileño | brasileña | Brazilian |
Cambodia | Camboya | camboyano | camboyana | Cambodian |
Cameroon | Camerún | camerunés | camerunesa | Cameroonian |
Chile | Chile | chileno | chilena | Chilean |
China | China | chino | china | Chinese |
Korea | Corea | coreano | coreana | Korean |
North Korea | Corea del Norte | norcoreano | norcoreana | North korean |
South Korea | Corea del Sur | surcoreano | surcoreana | South korean |
Ivory Coast | Costa de Marfil | marfileño | marfileña | Ivorian |
Cuba | Cuba | cubano | cubana | Cuban |
Denmark | Dinamarca | danés | danesa | Danish/Dane |
Ecuador | Ecuador | ecuatoriano | ecuatoriana | Ecuadorian |
Egypt | Egipto | egipcio | egipcia | Egyptian |
El Salvador | El Salvador | salvadoreño | salvadoreña | Salvadoran |
Eritrea | Eritrea | eritreo | eritrea | Eritrean |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia | eslovaco | eslovaca | Slovak |
Slovenia | Eslovenia | esloveno | eslovena | Slovene |
Spain | España | español | española | Spanish |
Estonia | Estonia | estonio | estonia | Estonian |
Europe | Europa | europeo | europea | European |
Philippines | Filipinas | filipino | filipina | Philippine |
Finland | Finlandia | finlandés | finlandesa | Finnish |
Fiji | Fiyi | fiyiano | fiyiana | Fijian |
France | Francia | francés/galo | francesa/gala | French |
Gabon | Gabón | gabonés | gabonesa | Gabonese |
The Gambia | Gambia | gambiano | gambiana | Gambian |
Georgia | Georgia | georgiano | georgiana | Georgian |
Ghana | Ghana | ghanés | ghanesa | Ghanaian |
Grenada | Granada | granadino | granadina | Grenadian |
Greece | Grecia | griego | griega | Greek |
Guatemala | Guatemala | guatemalteco | guatemalteca | Guatemalan |
Guinea | Guinea | guineano | guineana | Guinean |
Guyana | Guyana | guyanés | guyanesa | Guyanese |
Haiti | Haití | haitiano | haitiana | Haitian |
Holland | Holanda | holandés | holandesa | Holander |
Honduras | Honduras | hondureño | hondureña | Honduran |
Hungary | Hungría | húngaro | húngara | Hungarian |
India | India | indio/hindú | india/hindú | Indian |
Indonesia | Indonesia | indonesio | indonesia | Indonesian |
England/ United Kingdom | Inglaterra/ Reino Unido/Gran Bretaña | inglés/británico | inglesa/británica | English |
Ireland | Irlanda | irlandés | irlandesa | Irish |
Italy | Italia | italiano | italiana | Italian |
Jamaica | Jamaica | jamaicano/jamaiquino | jamaicana/ jamaiquina | Jamaican |
Japan | Japon | japonés | japonesa | Japanese |
Jordan | Jordania | jordano | jordana | Jordanian |
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán | kasajo | kasaja | Kazakhstani |
Kenya | Kenia | keniano | keniana | Kenyan |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguistán | kirguiso/kirguís | kirguisa/kirguís | Kyrgys |
Kiribati | Kiribati | kiribatiano | kiribatiana | I-Kiribati |
Latvia | Letonia | letón | letona | Latvian |
Lebanon | Líbano | libanés | libanesa | Lebanese |
Liberia | Liberia | liberiano | liberiana | Liberian |
Libya | Libia | libio | libia | Libyan |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | liechtensteiniano | liechtensteiniana | Liechtensteiner |
Lithuania | Lituania | lituano | lituana | Lithuanian |
Luxembourg | Luxemburgo | luxemburgués | luxemburguesa | Luxembourger |
Macedonia | Macedonia | macedonio | macedonia | Macedonian |
Malaysia | Malasia | malasio | malasia | Malaysian |
Maldives | Maldivas | maldivo | maldiva | Maldivian |
Malta | Malta | maltés | maltesa | Maltese |
Mauritius | Mauricio | mauriciano | mauriciana | Mauritian |
Mauritania | Mauritania | mauritano | mauritana | Mauritanian |
Mexico | Mejico | mejicano | mejicana | Mexican |
Micronesia | Micronesia | micronesio | micronesia | Micronesian |
Moldavia | Moldavia | moldavo | moldava | Moldavian |
Monaco | Mónaco | monegasco | monegasca | Monegasque |
Mongolia | Mongolia | mongol/mongoles | mongola/mongolesa | Mongolian |
Mozambique | Mozambique | mozambiqueño | mozambiqueña | Mozambican |
Namibia | Namibia | namibio | namibia | Namibian |
Nauru | Nauru | nauruano | nauruana | Nauruan |
Nepal | Nepal | nepalés/nepalí | nepalesa/nepalí | Nepalese |
Niger | Níger | nigerino | nigerina | Nigerien |
Nigeria | Nigeria | nigeriano | nigeriana | Nigerian |
Norway | Noruega | noruego | noruega | Norwegian |
New Zealand | Nueva Zelanda | neozelandés | neozelandesa | New Zealander |
Netherlands | Países Bajos | neerlandés | neerlandesa | Dutch |
Palau | Palaos | palauano | palauana | Palauan |
Panama | Panamá | panameño | panameña | Panamanian |
Paraguay | Paraguay | paraguayo | paraguaya | Paraguayan |
Peru | Perú | peruano | peruana | Peruvian |
Poland | Polonia | polaco | polaca | Polish |
Portugal | Portugal | portugués | portuguesa | Portuguese |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | puertorriqueño/ portorriqueño | puertorriqueña/ portorriqueña | Puerto Rican |
Central African | República Centroafricana | centroafricano | centroafricana | Central African |
Czech Republic | República Checa | checo | checa | Czech |
Congo | República Democratica del Congo | congoleño | congoleña | Congolese |
Dominican Republic | República Dominicana | dominicano | dominicana | Dominican |
Rwanda | Ruanda | ruandés | ruandesa | Rwandan |
Romania | Rumania | rumano | rumana | Romanian |
Russia | Rusia | ruso | rusa | Russian |
Samoa | Samoa | samoano | samoana | Samoan |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | San Cristóbal y Nieves | sancristobaleño | sancristobaleña | Kittitian |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | San Vicente y Granadinas | sanvicentino | sanvicentina | Vincentian |
Senegal | Senegal | senegalés | senegalesa | Senegalese |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona | sierraleonés | sierraleonesa | Sierra Leonean |
Syria | Siria | sirio | siria | Syrian |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka/Ceilán | esrilanqués/ceilanés | esrilanquesa/ ceilanesa | Sri Lankan |
South Africa | Sudáfrica | sudafricano | sudafricana | South African |
Sudan | Sudán | sudanés | sudanesa | Sudanese |
Sweden | Suecia | sueco | sueca | Swedish |
Switzerland | Suiza | suizo | suiza | Swiss |
Suriname | Surinam | surinamés | surinamesa | Surinamese |
Thailand | Tailandia | tailandés | tailandesa | Thai |
Tanzania | Tanzania | tanzano | tanzana | Tanzanian |
Tajikistan | Tayikistán | tayiko | tayika | Tajikistani |
Togo | Togo | togolés | togolesa | Togolese |
Tonga | Tonga | tongano | tongana | Tongan |
Tunisia | Túnez | tunecino | tunecina | Tunisian |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistán | turcomano/turmeno | turcomana/turmena | Turkmen |
Turkey | Turquía | turco | turca | Turquish |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu | tuvaluano | tuvaluana | Tuvaluan |
Ukraine | Ucrania | ucraniano | ucraniana | Ukrainian |
Uganda | Uganda | ugandés | ugandesa | Ugandan |
Uruguay | Uruguay | uruguayo | uruguaya | Uruguayan |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán | uzbeko | uzbeka | Uzbekistani |
Venezuela | Venezuela | venezolano | venezolana | Venezuelan |
Djibouti | Yibuti | yibutiano | yibutiana | Djiboutian |
Zaire | Zaire | zaireño | zaireña | Zairian |
Zambia | Zambia | zambiano | zambiana | Zambian |
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