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Spanish Language is considered the most important of the Romance languages (of Romanicus or Roman), having its origin in the Roman Vulgar Latin with great influence of the Germanic and Arabic languages. Additionally, due to the expansion of the Spanish Empire in the Americas, it was notably enriched with the addition of large numbers of indigenous words from the entire continent and the use of special consonants. It is for this reason, that it is considered one of the richest (and complex) languages recognized worldwide.
Moreover, the effects of globalization and the evolution of technology have been influencing many modifications which tend to simplify it a bit, but, the speed response of the institution for which the language is governed: “The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language”, and the rigidity with which the advocates of Native Language treat the subject, are maintaining “alive” certain rules that continue giving to the Spanish language its characteristic of complexity and difficulty.
Some of the rules that influence the complexity of the language are associated with the use of consonants in general, and the existence of certain letters that do not exist in other languages that use a similar Abecedary, as is the case of English, French , Italian, Portuguese, and some others.
It is for this reason that we will devote several Posts to the consonants, and we will begin with the pronunciation and naming of the twenty two consonants and the three digraphs.
ooveh dobleh
ee greeyega
Until 2010, these 25 elements were considered consonants. In this year the RAE renamed the CH, LL and RR as digraphs instead letters.
Like with the vowels, is very important the practice of the names of the consonants letters. You will need it, for spelling some words while do not be fluent on the pronunciation.

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